
"peek in at my journey: a small part of God's BIG plan."

Monday, May 02, 2005

personal truth 101

today the hours of 7:01am and 8:35am have been quite the learning experience. what an amazing weekend I remind myself...yet to wake to the guilt of the night's previous selfishness consuming me. overshadowing what Christ did in my times with him in deep worship and his word. I connected deeply with brothers all weekend, specifically Robby and Colin yesterday. chowing down on truth and putting God's hand in my life on a pedestal. LOOK WHAT HE'S DOING! Then to fall and feel it. the lies. LIES. learning right this second as I vocalize it in the parking garage on the way to my desk.
1) have the truth in your heart and on your lips not just the bros around you, that won't sustain me when the going gets tough.
2) I am a slave. really. and I am beginning to taste this truth. it's very liberating to feel this! the choices I make today. the people I talk to. the impressions I make. the actions I take. not for my self, for HIM. I am NOT MY OWN. I am bought with a price.

"Thank you Jesus for the early voice of Ted of Truth in my life...hmm truthful Ted...I like that. Thank you."

weekend heart is the same everywhere. all the time.


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