
"peek in at my journey: a small part of God's BIG plan."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Do Declare...

So, coffee is the detour on the highway of life that I like to visit, quite often. Yesterday I met a fella named Josh at the Carothers Rd. Starbucks, who continued to engage in conversation. Our conversation flowed to the topic: Espresso. I know my drinks and I love my drinks. Morning: Grande Drip Afternoon: Grande Soy Americano. Period. Until yesterday. This just in my world...Doppio Espresso con Panna. Begin with a generous amount of Whipped Cream in the bottom of the cup, continue to pour over the cream, 2 nutty shots of Espresso...the harmony of the Espresso and the muted cream is pure exstacy. Tip: swirl the cream around a bit before divulging.

In other news, Lance Bass came out yesterday.


  • At July 26, 2006 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ummm....your drink looks like...ummm...I shouldn't say those words. Ewwwww..... ha ha ha!

    Oh...and I just read about Lance...interesting.

  • At July 26, 2006 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that is the funniest post over. i love try it with two raw sugars... it sort of adds more carmel-ness to it. so good.

    Lance. wild.

  • At July 26, 2006 6:56 PM, Blogger Brendy said…

    Yeah, couldn't refuse... I have to comment!! Although Josh, the Barista, is a wonderful fellow (who attends church at Bethel here in town)I think that you need to start seeing me as a valuable coffee/espresso resource that you have not yet referenced. :O) haha... kidding (But I do know my espresso!) And I was drinking the upside down doppio con panna with a touch of caramel before Josh was ever a Barista. (No.. I'm not jealous)

    ***for all of Josh's friends who may not know me... I'm not really this competitive... I just enjoy it when I get an opportunity to pretend that I am***

  • At July 26, 2006 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sure Brendy...whatever?!?! :o) ha ha


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