Lately, I've been sitting down and having coffee with the foundations of my faith. Whether it's hurricane season in my heart or summer in my soul, I'm forced to land my feet on these things:
1) God exists - I can't deny this. In fact, it's confirmed by my first thought in the morning.
2) I exist - I can't deny this. *pinches arm* Yup, I'm real.
3) If the prior are both true, I have purpose. I was created with a destiny in mind.
4) And, if all that is true, I'll only find out my specific destiny by getting to know my creator. If' He's brilliant enough to design me, He's brilliant enough to carry out a plan for me. Come to think of it, He
is brilliance.
I'm pondering faith right now. More to come on that, but isn't it funny, it can actually take more faith
not to believe in a creator.