
"peek in at my journey: a small part of God's BIG plan."

Monday, June 06, 2005

He's Doing It mentor as asked me to be journaling about what God is teaching me. I don't respond well to that. It's a weird feeling. As I was walking into work, I was thinking, "ok, I know God is doing stuff in my life, lessons are being learned and my heart's eyes are being opened more and more...but what do I write?! should I just print blog pages, backtrack old lessons, what do I do?" hmmm there's freedom in this stuff right, I mean, come is what God's doing in my life. and I am happy to say that I can actually use that phrase now, "What God is doing in my life." I always want to see Him doing. Ok, now to get from the general "what God is doing" to more specifics. I'm giving this a shot. I get soo rabbit trailed when I try to articulate this stuff. God, please help me be of clear order.


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