Who's Leading Who?
I got to sit down with my mentor, Jeff, today. Ever been in those face to face times where you feel like you've run an emotional 5K? That was today over lunch. One of the many things he said that struck me deep was the topic of my goals and daily schedule. He asked, "Is your day dictating you or are you dictating your day?" I was like, my day dictates me. I have so much to pray about for this next season of my life. I want to be a man who sets goal and by God's strength, achieve them for Him. Lord, I need you in the details.
Whoa. Just realized this. Look how God is working this out in light of my recent post Hangin On.
At November 07, 2005 6:42 AM, D.Chap said…
Wow...I am there with you on this too. I think it's the American way to let our days control us. I need to step back more and look at what my life is really like... why am I doing this? I chose to do this at one point or another. I'm in school, and I chose to be here. I'm an RA, I chose to be that. I'm on leadership with [cru], I chose to do that...etc. etc. It's that 'Accept Responsibility' thing again! I am chosing where I am going, what I am doing every day. It's not being forced upon me. (I feel like saying: "Dave, quit whining when you got something to do...you chose it!"
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